AGAIN!? another very late night and very little sleep, after a very busy day. So yesterday as you know i helped out with the teen survivor cancer event. I had fun and enjoyed myself. Glad that Daniel went with me and that Luis was there so i at least knew one person. He was the only survivor i really know. So we spent the day together the three of us. Took almost three hundred pics. Then afterward Daniel and i chose to go play some ball. so we went to his old high school. We both where in the sun from 10 am till sunset. I didn't get home till ten. I made it an early night because i knew i needed to get up at 5 am today. I ended up not going to bed till 1:30 this morning. Got up at 5 for work and arrived at work at 6 am. The kid i was watching woke up at 6:30 and was active from that point till later when he hit his head. But im getting a hold of myself. This kid has some family matters i can relate to with my own past. He is easily aggravated and gets set off easily. You can't raise your voice with this kid and so you have to stay calm. He throws nasty tempers often so it's a challenge. Today i asked him "please don't do that, i don't like that." He got mad at that and started pounding the table and screaming. Then later i tried to get him dressed so we could walk down the street to an event his grandma was hosting. He didn't want to get dressed so he went running around the house screaming and yelling. I tried to make hime laugh and he thought it was a game and funny that he wasn't getting dressed and it was taking for ever. He was driving me nuts. i told him "we need to get you dressed so that we can go for a walk and meet nanna, and get a balloon, and play with some other kids" He didn't like that and starte throwing things and hitting me, calling me names and all sorts of things. FINALLY, i got that kid dressed in clothes he picked out. None of which matched but he was dressed and we where now on our way. Once there we met his nanna and then walked around looking for things she wanted him to do. There was a kiddy race that he wanted to be part of, but cause he took so long getting ready he had missed it. We ended up running around the track anyway with some other little kids. He wasn't paying attention to where he went and ran straight into another little boy. They both fell and hit the ground hard. This little boy was screaming bloody murder. I checked his head (he hit it on concrete REALLY HARD!) to make sure he didn't crack it. I tried to get him to calm down. The other people around me flipped out and wanted him to go to see the ambulance and have them check him out. I have this kid in my arms still screaming and making a scene. The guys at the ambulance didn't want to come close cause he was loud, however there was this one that came up and when i looked up at him to tell him what was wrong, He winked at me! URG! But it's also a compliment as well! He started flirting with me too and what not. He thought i was this kids mom. So the event ended after that and i ran down to Daniels for church. I drove today for the first time in a while. After church we went out to start and go. My car wouldn't start so we went in and got some guys to ocme out and help out. We couldn't call my retired mechanic grandpa cause he was in church so we sat in the parking lot for like at least like three hours waiting for someone to get back to us. Mean while there was a steady stream of people coming to check out the car and give their thoughts as to what they thought the problem was. Then we got a ride home and grandpa , Daniel, and I all went back out there to check it out. Then we came home and Daniel drove me home. I realized once home that i didn't have my phone and i needed it for tomorrow's big day, so the sweetheart he is, drove me back out there. But before that we dropped off the stuff i pulled from my car and we grabbed stuff to put into the D.I. trailer. I have this old tv from my grandfathers house before he passed away(when i was 10). I pulled the tv out of the room and stated that it was the one from gpa, then i burst into tears and well realized im attatched to a stupid tv with sentimental value. so bottom line we left that home and went to get my phone. Now im done uploading and telling my story in vague detail. I am so very tired and need sleep and so i will be getting up again at an insane hour for more babysitting and a crazy day of hitching rides off of any one possible and available to help me out the next couple days. That's my story and im sticking to it. Night and all sleep well. TOOTLES!
Issue 29 7-11-10
Welcome! You have found a place of enjoyment, enlightenment, and hopefully some laughter as well! Sit back, get ready to read and browse around! You are going to go on a ride through the life of the author Anne Stone. Feel free to leave comments where you like. Enjoy yourself and have a good time!
About Me
- annestone90
- AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Teen Survivor Event

For me it is still Saturday right now. Today i helped out at an event for the H and i did the photography. I dont have the time to post all the pics right now from the event but i can post some of the best. I will do my best to get them all on here for you to enjoy. I will try and also update soon. I have just been so busy i don't have time to think about anything other than what im doing that moment basically. Anyways enjoy! I'm going to get some sleep, I have to get up in about four hours for work. I will be babysitting and being a photographer for another H event. This event is for a different H, nearby. The lady im babysitting for will be working the event and is paying me for taking pics for her. My first paying Photo job.
Issue 28 7-11-10
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