This is craft day with Stephanie a few weeks ago. We made paper roses, decorated mason jars and made them into lamps and candles. We did crafts while the guys played video games. 
This is the same night. Steph and Justin decided to sleep over with us and so we pulled all the extra blankets out. We have a ton because i LOVE blankets. 
This is Easter morning. Daniel and i did an easter egg hunt, thanks to my mom for sending us candy and eggs. It was so much fun to do this for ourselves. I got crafty and taped one to the fan. It was so heavy though, it fell off while he was looking for another one and i had to stick it back up before he could find it. Sadly i think he saw me doing it and so it gave it away to him. 
This has been one of my newest projects. I was tired of having to tear apart our closet to get to my clothes that were in bins and i knew i liked the drawers already so i went and got another 8 things from walmart and now we have a wall of clothes for Brittney, in our room. Don't worry Daniel has most of the closet for all his clothes and he has some drawers as well, just not in this picture. I have the wall, he gets the closet. So it works out. I keep telling Daniel that now he has a place for all of his stuff so i don't have to see it all laying on the floor with no place of it's own. It makes me happy having a clean home! :) 
My newer project other than the drawers is family history. I have been feeling lately that i would think it would be fun to try it out and find names to do in the temple. I logged onto the new family search site, , and i put in my information. I could only find my mom and dad's sides and so i went through and basically did that for a full day straight. Through that i found 60 names that i am going to take to the temple tomorrow morning when we go and ill be starting the work that needs to be done for these family members. I was trying to find Daniel's side and see what could be done through there and Finally was able to get it by manually putting in all the information that i had on the living people. Then after that i could connect the deceased side with the living and so now im just needing to add the Long side and the Gillens. I had to take a break from the searching because of school and having Thursdays being my busiest day for all my assignments and tests. So on my free time, that is what i am doing, searching for family names. Daniel and i went through and found some names from our past family, that we might want to name our children when we start adopting. We came up with a royal idea and our children are going to feel like kings and queens. They all are pretty unique too, so they wont be sharing names with anyone else. I can't wait to have kids of our own to play with and name. I looked into adoption with the church and we have to be married for two years first so we still have another year and 3 months to go. So for now we will stick to pets and figuring out names for them. We (meaning me basically) have named our future dogs Mowgley, and Pucca. Like in the disney movies Jungle book, and Anastasia.
Chives is doing good. We just found a tank last week on the bulletin board for school, a new tank! It's twice as long and she loves it. She went crazy for the like the first 3-4 days just splashing everywhere, swimming back and forth constantly. We like it cause we enjoy seeing her actually swimming. She brings us such joy and laughter watching her everyday. We play with her through the glass and we talk to her just like she is a person, and every night before we turn her light off, we both say goodnight like we are tucking her into bed. haha
School started last week and Daniel and i are both so glad to finally be back in school. He is glad because of work and the income from that, I am happy because of the consistency again, and because i only have one more year left and i am done, SO MOTIVATING! I ended up finding a part time job on campus as a secretary for the home and family department. Ironic right!? The department of the school that is second on my list for most disliked. First is records and administration, or the counseling department. Hard to determine cause they are both kinda the same. I just want to get out of this town as fast as possible. I am so sick of living in the mormon bubble and i want to be around culture and people who aren't all holier than holy stuck up. I miss culture!
I got a bike this week so that i can start bike riding again. I used to ride everyday, as hard as i could, untill my legs turned to jello. I loved it and it's been SUCH NICE weather lately that it sounded like a good idea. I need to fix a few minor things on it and need Daniel's knowledge and strength to help me fix it up so hopefully this weekend, if it stops snowing. Crazy weather here! ALL WEEK we have had beautiful sunny days that range in temps from 70-mid 80's, with slight rain and thunder that rolls in at about 5 each night and clears up again in the morning. Today we woke up to SNOW!!!! ARGGG so much for camping weather this weekend!
I started my tutoring class this week. I go in to get tutored in the same place that Daniel works. They do stuff like teach study skills and help out how they can. I needed to take a test to show where i needed help. I am taking the class cause Daniel has told me lots about it and i needed credit, not because i was "special needs". After taking the test the teacher in charge told me that the memory problems i have are indeed something i have been telling people about for years. She explained it to me better and helped
So, other than school, work, chives, and all these projects im trying to get into not much is really going on. Just enjoying life being married and adjusting to a life of constant change. Oh, for those that knew about the court hearing i was involved in. The guy is taking a plea bargain so i wont have to go and testify on monday so i am soooooo pleased. I went to see a therapist at the school about it all and she said " you're doing what i would tell you to do for the best recovery process, so you don't need to see me. Come back later if you still feel it's a problem" Good and bad, also, further proving the lack of concern from the administrative level here at this school.
I think it's great to have a religious school for people, however, i think they need to give the students the right to choose for themselves. I feel that the controling that goes on here from the administration department, gets tighter each semester and the choice to choose for ourselves gets smaller each time as well. example: For devotional each week (last year) we could take our computers and be on the internet reading talks or doing homework while in devo. Now, they shut off the internet so that you can't use it at all. My mom said when i got up here that she didn't worry about me because i had more restrictions and rules than when i did when i was at home. I thought before coming up here that i was being controlled too much for my age, but seeing how things are here, It was a piece of cake. haha.
ANYWAY, I gotta get going to work now, so enjoy your day!
issue 58 4-27-12