Welcome! You have found a place of enjoyment, enlightenment, and hopefully some laughter as well! Sit back, get ready to read and browse around! You are going to go on a ride through the life of the author Anne Stone. Feel free to leave comments where you like. Enjoy yourself and have a good time!

About Me

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AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Ok just to inform you all. Yesterday we were having a birthday party to celebrate the year anniversary for my marker of last treatment. I thought grandma, grandpa, and Jake were going to be the only ones. Jake called me and i went to go get him. When we walked back into the house there was a bunch of people there. Then i realized who it was. It was my teacher who had spent a year or more with me through the ending of stuff. His family had come as well. Then grandma and grandpa where there as well and they where all looking at me and i was juper surprised. My sisters made my cake and it was a carmel cake and it was super good!. We all sat there talking and the kids started playing games and ithen we did pictures and started my movies that i had made while i was in the H. As like a review of everthing i had been through.

Today after church we are going to a hostal in half moon bay. We are going to spend the night and just hang out there on the beach for today and tomorrow for the holliday. I am so excited and ill talk to you all later and give you the low down of whats going to happen.

Issue 9 8-31-08

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Judgment of classes

Yes i talk too much about my life sometimes, but hey i'm a teenager-adult. I like to share what's going on in my life specially since it's exciting!. I can now give you my thoughts about how i'm going to die this semester. I started my sign language class today and i LOVED IT! The teacher is super nice, patient, fun, and deaf. Communicating with her is slightly difficult just cause of the barrier. But she tries hard and is very patient with us. I will like this class i think!. I get out of her class at 8:30. So i'm with her for two hours.
Then tomorrow is my astronomy class. I have some friends in the class. Only one of them i knew about before class started. The teacher is old and seems very nice as well. He is patient, and helpful. I like the subject and he seems to be making it fun. My neck might hurt in the class from looking at the ceiling all night long but it's still going to be fun. I think that this class is fun cause half of it is online and you get to do a lot of looking at discs of information with lots of pics. I have his class for three hours and get out at 9:30.
Thursday is my health class. She has a monotone voice, is nice, and talks really slow. She likes to give us lots of information that we don't really need. So far in the class i am REALLY bored. Talking about being healthy and eating right and exercising. I have had that for the last two years in the H (H from this point on means the hospital). I had my homework done before we left her room that night. I get out of her class after three hours as well, getting out at 9:30 as well. I think this will be the least fun class that is going to drive me nuts.
So now i have given you my thoughts at the end of this all we will take a look at the journey and judge again and see if my guesses where right.

If you have any questions for me about anything please feel free to ask me and just shoot me up an email. You can subscribe to my blog on the left hand side of the page. If you have questions you want to post on the page to a comment to my entry.

Also i would like some feed back from my readers to certain things so ill try and ask questions every once in a while for you to respond to. If you have ideas for me to express upon as well notify me.

What was your favorite part of school?
What years where your favorite? High school, junior high, elementary, college...
What was your favorite subject in school that you ever took.

Sleep well my readers, I am absolutely exhausted and going to hit the pillow so im not late for work again tomorrow.

Issue 8 8-26-08

Medical update

Ok so i am on break at work and only have limited time to update this. But yesterday i had an apointment to do the YEAR MARK! testing. I was going to do everything but when we got there they told us that half the stuff we needed to do at a later time and that one of our appointments had been canceled with out us knowing. They did a blood test and then on the way out for the day the doc stopped us to tell us that they didn't get all the blood work that they needed so we had to hurry and go get it done. This one test is a time sensitive thing that needs to be done before 11:30 so we went running down the hall (11:27) to get it done. They ended up doing the same tests that they had done earlier as well.

I don't know the results of anything yet so don't ask me, I will let you all know when i find it out! Next month or even later.

So this weekend is the year mark from my last treatment and we are going to go to half moon bay Sunday after church and spending the day there to do the tide pools in the morning. We are going to do a little birthday party at grandmas on saturday night i think. Not sure yet.

School, today i start my sign language class and im looking forward to that. Tomorrow and Thursday i have class as well from 6:30-9:30 at night.

Work is going good just trying to get caught up and keep going.

Everything else is going good! Brook started high school yesterday at my old high school and she is having fun trying to find people. She was really nervous though and i don't blame her! I know what it is she is going into more than anyone in the family. Brylee starts junior high tomorrow so we will see what goes on with that!

I have to go now but ill get back to you all at a later time!

Issue 7 8-26-08

Thursday, August 21, 2008


My school today was ok. I had Health and the lady talked about eating right and taking care of your body. YEAH RIGHT! I could have walked out of the class right after roll. It started out like in high school. "Lets go around and give each others names and why we are taking the class". The teachers i have met so far are nice older people who take their time talking. Now im thinking that my hardest class will be the sign language one. That is what i originally thought would be the easiest. But i haven't even gotten to the first day of that yet so we will take each day one at a time and go with it.

My sisters are home. They got off the plane and nothing like last time with mom pacing the floor. I layed across her lap this time trying to distract her a bit. Big hugs and happy smiley faces as we walked on our way back to the car. They are going to be getting ready for school tomorrow with mom while im at work. Then afterwards we are doing a movie night with my boyfriend over as well. Im so excited i will have the things i care about all there in the same room. The trio is home now and starting up the act again! anyways its late and i need to get to bed. I fell asleep today on break so yeah i need to get my rest! Night!

Sleep well readers
Issue 6 8-21-08

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"First day of school! First day of school!"

Finding Nemo's line was what i was thinking this morning when i got up. I went to school and i probably looked like i had seen a ghost! I was scared of looking like a loser but what is new? I do it on purpose other times so why should it bother me if i do it naturally? I got there and they gave us the wrong class room to go to so we were all sitting there for like a half hour. Then someone came and told us that they found the class and got us. We got there to the right room and the teacher is a gray haired, skinny man, with a soft voice. I knew one of the girls in the class just from looking of pics of my other friends who knew her. She is in my class and then there is another girl who is also named amanda and she lives up by me and is going to give me a ride home from now on. I actually think this class will be fun. Most of it is in the dark, so no one can see me. The teacher seems really nice and most everything he assigns and the notes are all online for an online class that he teaches. It should be a fairly easy class, it seems! Now two months from now we will see. This is my astronomy class and tomorrow i have my health class. and then PICK MY SISSIES UP!

Im hecka tired and need to start out right! So nice, short and sweet tonight!

Sleep well readers!
Issue 5 8-20-08

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Twilight info and school!

So many of you have heard or read i bet that the HARRY POTTER movie has been changed to come out next summer. Because of that it has also changed the date for TWILIGHT to come out. They have changed it to November 21st. I can't wait!!! I want to go to the midnight showing of it and so im looking for a group to go with too! One of my friends usually takes like 20 30 people. I am hoping we can get a big group but that means that i need help with looking for tickets. My guess is that they are going to be sold out with in minutes of coming out.

School starts tomorrow for me and i start at 6:30 pm after work. I will be in astronamy. I will be taking three classes a week after work, Starting on tuesday(after next week) and going till thursday. Tuesday i will be taking signlanguage, Wednesday is astronamy, Thursday is health. I am so nervouse about starting school that i had a night mare the other night that i was getting into fights at school. Im terrified right now to go back after two years and i think it would have been better to start at high school but i don't know. We will see how it goes but i know im super duper nervous about the whole thing.

This Thursday the girls are coming home! I can't wait! I have missed them so much. A whole summer with not seeing them and i am BORED! It will be annoying to have to go through the adjusting that they do from living with dad to being with mom. They always come back iritated all the time. I will be no more of an only child. (till the next time someone has the bright idea of making them go out there again) anyways as of this week so far things are doing ok just nervous about school, happy for my sisters, happy to be having fun with my friends.

Issue 4 8-19-08

Sunday, August 17, 2008


So the thought that i had in my head about what a bonfire was going to be like was a little bit different from what actually happened. I had never been to one before and i thought that they would have a HUGE fire going and some games and stuff. I thought that it would be easy to find this place too! On the way out there we got lost because the exit that we were looking for was the wrong one. So we ended up needing to back track a ways. We finally got on the right road and found the proximity of the designed location. We parked and got out walking along the wet, dark, brown sugar sand; finding its way under our feet and creeping into our shoes, squishing between our toes. We stumbled around hand in hand trying to find the group. We walked from one side to the other, intertwining ourselves in between the different fires, looking for familiar faces. We walked to the edge of the designated area for fires and decided to find a bathroom. We then called a friend to find out where the group was. She wasn't even there yet so we decided just to go stand on the beach. The wind was blowing cool moistness onto our backs and into our hair. It felt like a misty shower soaking my clothes and everything not blocked from it. After a while, the group we were suspicious about grew bigger and bigger. More and more people looking to be around our age came in. Laughing and talking. My butt pocket started vibrating lightly so i grabbed the pocket cover and lifted it to answer the vibration. The voice coming from my phone was saying that the group of impossible size blocking the fire view was our group. We knew which group just cause we were on the other side of it as the lady on the phone. We met up and exchanged hand shakes, introducing each others dates. Then we mingled in with the rest of the gatherers and my hand was lifted to shoulder height and we started dancing slightly, rotating around, taking turns blocking the flying mist. The night ended with me smelling like a camp fire and moist with the brown sugar coating of the sand, on my feet. We walked to the car and made our way home. That is how our bonfire was. I enjoyed the entire night, with the outcome being a little different from what my expectations where.

Issue 3 8-17-08

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First date!

Ok so i got picked up from work today by this guy and my mom met him and we went to the movie but on the way i sorta got us lost, going on a wrong street. I told him i knew where i was going, (i really did, just mistaken a road with another one) So we got to the movie and walked in. We were like the only ones in there basically. Shortly after the movie started he grabbed my hand and wrapped the other one behind my shoulders hugging me tightly. When he laughed it shook me and when i laughed the same to him. Afterwards we went and got him dinner before he had to leave for work. But yeah the night was fun. I felt very good and comfortable with who i was and i didn't do my stupid klutzy moments that i normally do. I wasn't nervous at all and just cool with the whole thing. But anyway thought that i would shortly inform you about the date!

Issue 2 8-14-08

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The new and improved!

Ok so you have been reading one of my other numerous blog pages. This is now going to be the only one! I will not close them, Just not update them that often. This is the main page. Check it often cause this is going to be my journal and hopefully I will write it often. If how ever i say something that offends you I am sorry. I don't mean to be that way, say or even do anything to offend people. Please let me know. I will try and give as much detail to things as my time will allot me. With me starting school here in like a little over a week and working full time it's sorta going to be hard i imagine to get free time. I am also going to try and have a social life in between all that as well. (We will see how that works out though)

So for this being the first one it's going to be rather short and uninformative since i did an update on everything just a few days ago!

The new girl at work (the other temp that was there when I got back to work last week) decided not to go to work today. We were sorta surprised cause all of us know how she complained about needing a job and how hard it was for her to find one that would work with her age.... (not that old, slightly older than my mom). My coworker and I are sorta annoyed with this woman cause she complains all the time about EVERYTHING! She acts like her life is so terrible and it would out beat yours in a second! (If you where doing a contest for the worst life ever) We are still like a month behind in our sorting and hoping that someone good and reliable will come in and help us get caught up. We normally are supposed to be like a week behind to give some leeway, But we are like over a month behind.

School is starting on the 20th and I'm excited to start a new adventure, But terrified, well maybe not that badly, of being in big groups of idiots again. I usually love school for the people interaction but sadly since we moved to Hayward the liking of school has gone down. I go to school to learn amazingly enough and when you have 8 classes of a bunch of door nob's walking around high all the time, it gets slightly irritating. Making friends is something else that i like to do and I like to make friends with people who aren't out to make stupid look "cool". I'm afraid that with me working full time and doing school full time that I'm going to fall behind and be a total mental case with emotions flying all over the place as well for the lack of sleep in my newly become "adventure life".

As for the social part of my life, Now that is something i think and hope are starting to kick up into gear. ( for once it's great where it is and only looks better where it's going) I am yes going to a new church group with people more my own age. I know some friends that got me started on it and they are my rides here and there right now. We do group activities often and it's fun just to finally be out with a group who really knows how to have fun. We are going to do a bonfire on Saturday night in SF! You have NO idea how happy and excited for that I am. I just can't wait at all. I have never been to one and always wanted to. Tomorrow I'm sorta going on a date? I don't know if that is really what to call it for sure or not. But anyway this guy is from my church group and is super nice so far. He is just a few years older than I am and we are going to go to a movie as soon as I get off work. He has to be to work right after the movie so yeah just a movie night.

The family is good, keeping busy that's for sure!. The girls are still with dad, doing the same old thing he always does. Keep them so busy they don't have a normal teenage life of nothing extraordinary. Mom is busy with work stuff right now and reading! Oh yeah so I got the girls started on the "TWILIGHT" series and then we told mom she had to start before the movie came out. Then we got grandma started reading them too! So grandma is reading and reads all day so is done with one book in a day and pushes mom to read faster so she can get reading the next book. I have finished so now its going around the family to be finished. Grandma and grandpa are doing good and keeping busy as well. For us living so close to each other we don't see each other that often anymore with the girls gone. Anyway I feel like i have chatted everyone's ear's off today with all my different side conversations I'm going to melt into the couch and watch a movie on my laptop while the rest of the house is silent.

Have a great day and may happiness follow you! Till next time!
Issue 1 8-13-08