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AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Twilight info and school!

So many of you have heard or read i bet that the HARRY POTTER movie has been changed to come out next summer. Because of that it has also changed the date for TWILIGHT to come out. They have changed it to November 21st. I can't wait!!! I want to go to the midnight showing of it and so im looking for a group to go with too! One of my friends usually takes like 20 30 people. I am hoping we can get a big group but that means that i need help with looking for tickets. My guess is that they are going to be sold out with in minutes of coming out.

School starts tomorrow for me and i start at 6:30 pm after work. I will be in astronamy. I will be taking three classes a week after work, Starting on tuesday(after next week) and going till thursday. Tuesday i will be taking signlanguage, Wednesday is astronamy, Thursday is health. I am so nervouse about starting school that i had a night mare the other night that i was getting into fights at school. Im terrified right now to go back after two years and i think it would have been better to start at high school but i don't know. We will see how it goes but i know im super duper nervous about the whole thing.

This Thursday the girls are coming home! I can't wait! I have missed them so much. A whole summer with not seeing them and i am BORED! It will be annoying to have to go through the adjusting that they do from living with dad to being with mom. They always come back iritated all the time. I will be no more of an only child. (till the next time someone has the bright idea of making them go out there again) anyways as of this week so far things are doing ok just nervous about school, happy for my sisters, happy to be having fun with my friends.

Issue 4 8-19-08

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