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About Me

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AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Christmas in September

So i wrote up this big long thing all about camp and i wasn't done with it so i saved it as a draft and now i can't find it so ill leave quick info about it. (after posting this the first time i found the other article so go look it up!)
This year i think it was more of just a camp, The spirit i didn't feel was there as much as previous years have been. While i know others that say the same thing im still debating personally if it was the fact im getting older now and i find new things that thrill me. It could also be the drama that went on this year and my knowledge of it. My group of girls this year was AMAZING! nough said! They got caught up in the drama a little bit but my partner leader and i had a talk with the girls about it and that was the end of the drama in our group. The girls where the best in camp i think and dealt with the pressure and issue wonderfully. But im not bias what so ever am i? Naturally when you get a big group of girls together with not a lot of sleep, out side of their natural back grounds, doing things they don't want to do. there is BOUND to be issues.

Ok so onto new things. I started getting my imunizations. As i got there they said "i wouldn't want to be you today. Your going to be a pin coushion." LOVELY! Then i was told that i had to get the flu shots as well so i got like 7 times and have to go back next month to get the rest of them.

Now its october yes i have started listening to Christmas music. I started last month and totally enjoy it. I am asking my friends for their music to put on my computer so we can be fully filled with different kinds of music. Brylee is singing in her class at school, christmas songs for the program in December. Her and i went a little crazy the other day we started dancing around the front room like lunes. We also started to plug lights in that are festive. Mom said if we put christmas decorations up now that they will be taken down after halloween cause she will get so annoyed with it. Bry and me are so tempted to go down to the basement and get the decorations and just put them up one night. Forget halloween .... WAIT halloween!

So for halloween i have been thinking about it and i cant wait for parties to go to with ysa and friends. I talked to Jacob about it and we know what we are going to be. I thought Tarzan and Jane but that wouldn't work out too well if we are going to a church event. And then i though Peter Pan and Tinkerbell! Cute right?! yeah i know. But since we both dont have cash to be throwing around to buy costumes we are going to be Gi Jo and Gi Jane. We both can manage that one with out too much effort.

Anyway that is the Basic run down of whats been going on here with us. OH WAIT! NO i was wrong.... forgot this

So my adoptive grandparents from Salt Lake came and took my family and me to go see WICKED!!!! Finally i get to see it and i totally enjoyed it so much. I highly suggest you go see it!.

Bry and Brook are both in school, busy bees, same as me. Mom is still with Mervyn's on a month to month basis. I am working at the church book store in Oakland by the temple. Seagull Book! The other day as i was coming into work i have to go around the front to go and park in the back. This one day in paticular i didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. When i got to the front of the store and start getting my money drawer out a missionary comes in and says that there is a ton of cops out front and asked what was going on. A few mins later a lady comes in and tells us to lock the store and not let people in or out for a bit till she gives us the clearance. We found out that there was a robbery at gun point next door to us at the tanning salon. Everyone was asking me and my coworker if we where ok to work alone there and close. We both where ok. The cops stayed there for a couple hours and that was comforting to us. While every place on the corner and block where i work, Seagull is the ONLY place that hasn't been robbed or broken into. That is blessings from the lord, that and the temple are the only places in the area NOT HIT! Been so blessed.

NOW that is everything ... "I think"...
So i will have to say tootles to you all so i can get back to my class and get educated. Have a wonderful Week!

Issue 24 10-7-09

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Girls Camp and School (found it)

So i know its been what two weeks since i got back from camp? ok well im sorry been sorta busy with school starting right after.
So camp was good. Being a leader is important because you set the tone for the group you are over. There where two level two groups mine and Liz's and then the other one. The leaders in the other group where lazy and didn't really pay attention to their girls and where they needed to be or what they needed to be doing. They didn't care if they paid attention in classes or what ever. The tone with those girls was out of hand and they where everywhere causing issues only because the other leaders in camp kept getting them confused with our group and we got yelled at. The feel me and Liz wanted in our group was that we were all family and we wanted our girls to be close with each other. There was only one day that we could tell there was an issue in our group. We could feel the spirit wasn't with us anymore and we could tell exactly what girls where the cause of it. We had a talk with all the girls and that was the end of it in our group. This year was different the spirit was harder to feel in my opinion. Im not sure if it was me and where i am in my life right now or what but i was having a hard time trying to keep it with me to pass onto the girls. But surprisingly the times i felt it the strongest was because of our girls. There was one girl in our group who goes to church and isn't a member but she ended up being the best inspiration to me. She knows that the church is something good and that she wants it in her life. she loves how she feels from it and how she learns so much. She wants her family to be there for her and support her in her desires. She mentioned that Liz and i where like her mothers that she wishes she had. She came to us one day and asked to do a talk and we where so pleased. There is no way we could turn it down. She had questions everyday about the church and about how to feel the spirit and mentioned often that she could. She was so strong. the day we asked the girls to think of our group as a family she told her friends that she couldnt joke around with them the way they wanted because it would put someone down. She didn't know that i was there listening to her and i was so thankfull that a young girl like that can show such strength that i feel i lack in most situations. I know i can sometimes but i usually just leave and don't think to ask my friends to change something around me. There was one girl who was being left out in the group and one other girl kinda saw that and took the lead in being her friend and stepping in to include her into activities. I don't know if she was really thinking about what she was doing or if it came naturally. I know i don't do that hardly. I admired that. Then when it came time to do the skits everynight, it was very interesting as a leader to sit back and do nothin as the girls faught for control or to put a word in on the different ideas. They ended up working together on every one, and most of the skits turned out the best in camp as far as im concerned.

Issue 23 8-27-09

Monday, August 3, 2009

Good news and SemiBad from the Hospital

So today was a big day at the hospital and i had lots of appointments for my annual check up. The first appointment was a bone density test and what that is, is an x-ray of my bones. I lay on a bed and it moves around while this arm like thing moves as well. I saw the results of the test and things looked like they where better than last year when i took the test. My bones are getting stronger. However, when they did the spine test i saw one pic, and im still not sure if it was a previous one of mine or if it was "the norm" that they compare to. But the pic they took from today looked different then this other picture. One of the vertebrae is shaped differently. If the first pic i saw was mine, then that means that part of my spine has been grinding or something. If it's not my picture from last year then i think i am fine with that.

The second test was a breathing test. I did the best i have ever done on basically all the tests on that but one. On this one i have steadily been declining and am currently on the low average part of the scale. If this number goes lower into the low below average then i would most likely have asthma. The doc i talked to today about that said that this number is going down possibly because of the effects of the chemo. Other than that he said i am a very healthy person.

The third appointment was with the BMT docs they checked me out and went over some previous tests i have had in the last month and in this i found out that in my CT scan in February a sist showed up on my thyroid. It appears that it hasn't grown since then. My doc said not to worry about it now because it isn't growing and the fact its a sist not a tumor. The difference between a sist is its a liquid not a solid, like a tumor is. That was surprising to find out about since we hadn't been told about it before now.

The fourth appointment today was my nutrition. I am a healthy girl i just need more calcium as always. I also need more physical activity and to get out in the sun more to get the vitamin D.

So that is my medical update as of today. I have more tests this week and after i get back from camp. Anyway i must go now to make me and mommy dinner and then take a walk down the street to the store to get me some ice cream bars for my calcium.

Issue 22 8-3-09

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Apologies to my Readers

So Lots has gone on since i last wrote and that seems to be a recurring statement from me. Sorry about that. So i'll update fast. I got a job on my own working with Abercrombie and Fitch. I did that in like April maybe the end of March. Around the 28th of June, my cousin who was about six months younger than me was murdered. That was a tragic event in our family because it was such a shock and everything happened so fast. That same week i got another job working at the church book store, Seagull Book. Now what's going on is i have one more week working with Abercrombie and only working with the book store now. I am trying to get myself busy with church stuff but feeling overwhelmed with negative stuff right now. I am feeling lost sorta, or better described for how im feeling is dis-organized. My car is in the shop and broke down sorta on my way home from one job and TOTALLY made me have a huge emotional melt down. I started crying on the phone to my best friends husband. I was lashing out at people i love and making no sense of anything i was saying cause i couldn't be understood, with all the tears. Now i have had to learn how to drive a stick from the car that Jake let me borrow. I will be going to girls camp as a leader next week after we have the YSA state conference at the temple this weekend. That should be fun and not so stressful. The day after i get home i will be starting school again after i have had some issues with that as well adding to everything.

Thats the big news the rest is small and unimportant. I will be trying to keep up with this better now that school is getting back in soon.

Have a good week or so and ill write after camp if not sooner.

Issue 21 8-2-09

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Post of the Year!

So i have some exciting news! I will be on the news on Sunday the 11th of January at 10 am on the local show on ABC!On this show i will be talking with Cheryl Jennings about the alternate therapies, and how making movies helped me! I had so much fun today being there on set and just experiencing it all. They loved me and said i had a good screen name and voice and work well with the camera... (though i don't think that they where just talking about this one interview) I don't personally say a whole lot but i did get a fair share of time. When the link is up online i will send you the link as well if you missed it on tv or would like to see it again. Just email me back and let me know to send it to you!

Then on APRIL 16, Thursday from 10 am to 2:30 pm the San Francisco Unified School District will be having an Annual Career Day Conference and they have asked me to speak at one (maybe both) of the sessions. The first one is from 10 to 12. Then the second one is from 1 to 2:30. The location is at "Schools of the Sacred Hear, The Syufy Theater 2222 Broadway Street in San Francisco.
You may come to this one if you would like. I will be speaking for about 7 mins. I don't yet know what i will be speaking about but i have an idea in mind.

On the 20th of January I will be starting school again at Chabot! I will be taking acting, english, math, and sign language2! I am excited about the first and last ones. I will be at school Tuesdays and Thursdays all day and have a three hour lunch break. On Thursdays i have a night class and so i have a three hour dinner break as well.

As for work, I did find a job at the begining of December, BUT it will be over with after this week and i will be on the hunt again for a good job. I am working with MERVYN'S again. Funny how i can't seem to get away from them. This will be the third time i have been laid off by them. I am working with the liquidators at headquarters. There are a bunch of samples and different things there that need to be sold. I have been helping out with that. I am making 15 an hour with them. It's a great job working with liquidators if your looking for money fast. The bad thing about working in a retail job is you tend to BUY a lot of the stuff your selling. So basically your paycheck is staying with the company. Luckily though I have managed to keep my spending rather low! I have also made a few friends up there that i am glad about. It makes work easier, and hanging out with them after more fun.

One of my really good best friends from singlesward is getting married next month and i have been their photographer. I love taking pictures and i love my new camera that i am still trying to figure out all the way. Anyway that has been fun. Sad sorta, cause she will be moving a little farther away and i wont be able to see her as much, But good!

Yesterday i went to the H (Hospital) for my check ups and i don't yet know the results of the tests. I will have to call them tomorrow! Brook has been sick with Mono, and i think i might have gotten it. Kinda scared about that and for good reason. I don't want to end up in the H, for a fever or anything so i am doing what i can to Try and get rid of it as fast as possible and avoid if at all. One of the tests that they did was to check the levels of my hormones. I have been on the birth control to give my body the estrogen that it needs and when they do tests i have to get off of it for a month or so and so when that happens my body goes into like a menopause and i have hot flashes. The longer i am off them the worse they seem to get and the longer they last, and the more frequent they seem to be as well. So right now im practically walking around feeling like im melting all day. If it's not that then i am Freezing to the core!

Right now most all in my life is good and working out. I just am so thankful for the good things in my life to over shadow the bad i have had to deal with growing up. I am so thankful that i am now 18 (almost 19, in like three weeks!!!!) and have more say and control over my life. The freedom i have now is so fun. I like being 17-right now the best out of all my years.

Our Christmas was good! There was family in from out of town and we had fun with them. Tensions seemed to be a little higher this year though. New years was great! I spent New Years eve day with my boyfriends mom and sister shopping and talking! I had a lot of fun and they all love me! Then later that night we drove to my grandparents house and finished the night off there.

So now you have been caught up with things on my side. If you have any questions about anything please don't be afraid to ask! Comments are always welcomed as well.
What did you do over the break?
What is new and upcomming in your life?
What's one big thing that happened to you in 2008?
What is a new years resolution for you?
Send me an email back or something and let me know the answers to these questions.

Have a wonderful day and best of luck to you and your Kin!
Issue 20 1-6-09