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AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Apologies to my Readers

So Lots has gone on since i last wrote and that seems to be a recurring statement from me. Sorry about that. So i'll update fast. I got a job on my own working with Abercrombie and Fitch. I did that in like April maybe the end of March. Around the 28th of June, my cousin who was about six months younger than me was murdered. That was a tragic event in our family because it was such a shock and everything happened so fast. That same week i got another job working at the church book store, Seagull Book. Now what's going on is i have one more week working with Abercrombie and only working with the book store now. I am trying to get myself busy with church stuff but feeling overwhelmed with negative stuff right now. I am feeling lost sorta, or better described for how im feeling is dis-organized. My car is in the shop and broke down sorta on my way home from one job and TOTALLY made me have a huge emotional melt down. I started crying on the phone to my best friends husband. I was lashing out at people i love and making no sense of anything i was saying cause i couldn't be understood, with all the tears. Now i have had to learn how to drive a stick from the car that Jake let me borrow. I will be going to girls camp as a leader next week after we have the YSA state conference at the temple this weekend. That should be fun and not so stressful. The day after i get home i will be starting school again after i have had some issues with that as well adding to everything.

Thats the big news the rest is small and unimportant. I will be trying to keep up with this better now that school is getting back in soon.

Have a good week or so and ill write after camp if not sooner.

Issue 21 8-2-09

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