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AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Closing remarks in a chapter of life.

I have felt a lot recently that it was time to shut the door to a big part of my life. I have taken so much from it and learned. But in order to progress i need to move on and do new things. Expand my talents and interests. It's a scary thing but needs to be done. Here is the last entry to my medical journal i was posting online for everything. I have some lines at the bottom of it only because i have started a new project and i am making a book of all those postings totally unedited and everything. I need the wording so i don't lose the original ideas i had for it so don't mind what that part says just enjoy the last posting in that journal. So many things are going on right now and i have no idea where to start on things in expressing how i feel on it all either. Give me a few days to regain composure of all my thoughts and then ill share with you cause some of it is really great stuff! Till then enjoy this!

A journey is an interesting thing. It has a beginning, an adventure or two, and then an end. Though and end usually isn't an end but more of a transition into other journeys or bigger things.

This journey I have called cancer for so many years now is nearing that fait when the pages become fewer as each turns and the book begins to close. I have gone down every path I have seen. I have taken every turn and met every creature I was meant to meet. God took me down some nasty rocky paths. Lessons are learned, love of live has been found, true purpose of life is known. The sun shined, clouds came and moistened days with its drops of rain.

You have been a pleasure to go on this journey with. Companions to the end we will remain. The books have been marked and we will now be remembered even if in some dark corner of the library called life, where not too many people visit, only small creatures like ants and spiders may roam. Our mark has been made and we can now move on.

Looking back on the paths that have been taken I am so thankful that i had each of you there with me playing your role in my story. I learned and was reminded of something from each of you. Let each path you take be a learning experience of those around you.

Advise I would give to those who are entering that path called cancer in their own lives, Or for those who have entered or are struggling with a different path that is similar.

1. Try to wake up each morning with a smile. You must remember that you are loved by someone. If each day you wake up and remember a different person that has left messages for you or helped you you can start to see those who really care and love you. This will help you in those times you are so low and feel so alone.

2. Remember there is always someone out there worse off than you! Don't try and have a pitty party for yourself. It will only make you feel bad about yourself and situation. Plus it gets you no where productive. You must not let those around you do a pitty party either, it will start you feeling down more and things get awkward.

3. Move forward! Don’t stay in one state of mind for too long. Don’t get stuck up on the fact you are sick. If you don’t move on and keep going and pushing to have an active life of getting out or seeing people more, you will become a hermit crab, always taking your home where you go and not getting out of it hardly ever. Sure things in life aren’t always going to be easy but that is life. Life isn’t going to be easy. It’s all a learning experience. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

4. Realize that people in the real world are ignorant and say REALLY stupid things. People often speak before they think and in the end they usually have their foot shoved so far down their throats they usually regret opening their mouth in the first place. People think they are funny when they say things and they either are trying to hurt you and make a laugh out of it as well. They may not all have full intention of hurting you but by saying something in a sarcastic tone or demeaning tone as if they are better than you, they are trying to put you down to make them feel better and they say stupid things because they don’t understand. Just accept that and think of things you can say right back to them that would shove the foot down the throat. If you have them handy then it becomes your first response and they are let standing there jaw dropped in awe at how you reacted. It wasn’t how they expected and you showed them.

5. BE ROUD! You look different than about 50% of the world, granted you live in a pretty nice place and you can’t see that you are that similar to other people. You are bald so shine on! Think of it this way you have less to worry about in the shower when cleaning. You just wipe that soap over that noggin of yours and it’s shiny clean.

6. Thank those around you. The people around you are there to help you in whatever way they can. Just like with any job you get parts that you hate and things you don’t like doing. These people around you do too and hearing you thank them helps them to know it is appreciated. Even the people who come to visit, they need to hear you enjoyed it. By doing this you are putting them into your equation and letting them know you like them there. They then feel special for being accepted into your own little world. This medical world is different than the real world in the fact that most things about the medical world are hated because of long waits, costs or whatever it may be that has set this tradition.

7. Record! Record whatever you can however you can, then someday you or someone you love can go back and remember you or learn about you. This way you are leaving your mark in history and it can be passed down generation to generation. You may not think it is fascinating but someone else might. It will also be a huge help in research and getting understanding of things and their reactions. Like medications and different treatments for diseases. You can help a life by recording your information and your story will be shared.

8. Step up and step out. You have a box and when you are sick you are usually forced to breach those comfort walls. Knock them down and trample them. You will learn so much about who you are and what you are capable of. You are given trials in your life to help you accomplish this task so embrace it and enjoy learning who you are. I learned that I was a stronger woman than I had any idea of ever being. Taking that step to step out set me into a whole new experience I have taken so much from and never would have even known about any of it if I sat back in my comfort box. Don’t sit back all the time, step out!

9. Smile, Laugh, Sleep. You can do yourself some serious good if you do those three simple things. You can prolong your life as well. You are on meds that most likely will help you live longer than those who didn’t take the meds but sadly it sometimes can affect the length compared to someone that had never been sick or in a hard place. You want to beat all the odds and be the best person you can be right? Enjoy it then and Smile, Laugh, and make sure you get just the right amount of sleep to rejuvenate your tired body each day!

10. Last thing I suggest to do is take time often to think about where you are in your life, think about where you have been, and where you want to go. Take time to think and reflect on all aspects in your life. Make lists of things you want to accomplish and keep up on that list, marking things off as you go and creating new things to do as well.

Don’t be afraid to be who you are meant to be. Make sure you are letting yourself be molded into who you want to be with a kick of who you are. Don’t lose you! Be a kid and find what defines you. Live each day to the fullest and enjoy it! Life only happens once, so don’t go do stupid things like taking drugs or other things that make you lose control of yourself.

Thanks friends for going on this journey with me!

This book is dedicated to my wonderful mother who stood by me through the thick and the thin!

To my family and friends who where always there, CHO nurses, THANK YOU!

To my special friends who have embarked on a new journey with our Father in Heaven, You are loved and dearly missed!

WARNING! Content is unedited and may be offensive!

A journey comes and goes. Rocky roads, thrashing rivers, high mountain tops with great views. It's all apart of it. What makes the journey remarkable is how your view it and embrace it. Just keep moving forward and take on all the adventures that come your way!

Issue 41 3-2-11

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