Welcome! You have found a place of enjoyment, enlightenment, and hopefully some laughter as well! Sit back, get ready to read and browse around! You are going to go on a ride through the life of the author Anne Stone. Feel free to leave comments where you like. Enjoy yourself and have a good time!

About Me

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AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

New semester, ne home, new roommate...new life,.

Wow! What a way to kick off the new semester of school! There has been a long break of info that is missing from this and i'm very sorry for that. I would like to let you in a little bit about what is going on in my life and the things that i have been feeling and thinking.

We will start with the summer and how i worked through it, then jump around a bit here and there.
First thing this summer i drove home with Daniel and some other people from the bay area and was home a total of two days before i took off and left again to go to Chicago with Daniel's family. The trips was interesting to say the least and i got to meet lots of his family and learn more of his history in the past. He was born in Illinois until he was about ten, when he moved to California and grew up there with his step father, 7 siblings, and mother.

The day we got back to Cali was insane because of all the things going on and emotions from lack of sleep as well as a build up of frustrations from other sources. Brylee happened to be getting home, from Salt Lake, about an hour after i did and two days later, she was off again to girls camp with Brook for the last time. While the girls where off to camp, mom and i worked on getting wedding plans put together and shopping day by day, checking prices and looking around to other places for creative things.

Three weeks of wedding planning, family drama of figuring out schedules and what not for all the activities, trying to keep a social life with friends still so that you don't fall off the face of the earth with your friends. Trying to learn to adjust to making choices all the time and involving someone else in the final say as well. Working on getting everything put together, packed, and confirming plans with everyone is quite a trip. But those of you who have gotten married before know this. If you have helped out with weddings at all you learn part of it and just know, that it is stressful and crazy. No matter how much you plan and prepare for things to be hard and wild, you can't change that! IT WILL HAPPEN!

So the wedding week came and i was just busy busy busy busy. Running around like a chicken with the head cut off. Legs and arms flying and a tipsy body flopping around along the sidewalk. That is what it felt like. I wasn't able to remember things and i was writing up new to-do lists like every couple of hours because new things would come up, change, and i would constantly be loosing the list i had previously made. Still to this day i haven't been able to find the lists and so there is some strange writing out there in the world that has slight organizations of my scattered brain.

The day for the endownment came, I have never had as much stress on me that has made me feel so negative as i have ( that i have realized about myself in the last several years) this day. I had a humbling day and cried myself through the session. The tears were tears of joy and happiness but also from the touching subject of motherhood and being a family. As some of you may know, because of my cancer i haven't been able to have normal ovarian function. So this means that i can not have children. we will touch more on this topic a little later. The sealing was two days later and i couldn't take my eyes off of Daniel the whole day! It was amazing how much love i could feel in the room from everyone else in the room, and the love i had for Daniel was magnified greatly and the love between us both was so amazingly strong and comforting. The reception started and the set up was perfect! I had awesome family and friends that where there the day before working on the set up of the gym. It was so amazing how well everything worked out and came together for the wedding and reception. It was great! I felt so special with the whole set up as well as all the help that everyone did. That night, normally the bride and groom take off and everyone there at the party watches them as they take off. For our wedding i stayed after to make sure that a list of numbers was given to the friends and family that were cleaning up so that they could get a hold of who they needed and everything could get to the right place. The honeymoon was great. Just a fun time to relax and breathe finally. I felt that i was in a fairy tale because i couldn't realize that we are married. I felt like we were going to get into trouble for getting comfy with each other. Strange feeling that comes with getting married.

A week after we got married we drove from Carmel California to Rexburg overnight. We drove home for a few hours to pack and eat and say our goodbyes. By the time we got to our new apartment in Rexburg we had had hardly any sleep at all in the last 48 hours or so. It was Sunday and we wanted to go to church to meet our new ward, but sleep overtook us and so we caught up on our sleep and started unpacking all of our stuff so we could settle into our new home. School started the next day and we got tons of homework and started feeling the sensation of drowning and overwhelming sensation, when we kept hearing new homework tasks that each teacher wanted us to do.

The following week we had to take a drive to Salt Lake for a bridal shower that my wonderful friends from back there had set up for us. We were there for the weekend and really loved relaxing and enjoying talking to friends and family about old time stories and new stories as well. We drove back and put all the picture frames we got from the wedding put up in our new place and started to settle into our daily routine now of school, work, and life as a married student.

My medical stuff has been a roller coaster for how it all has worked out. I have been freaking out for a very long time on how i was going to make things work out. I was searching everywhere to find out what i could do and where i needed to go. I was asking everyone i knew to help me with ideas, comming to a dead end with just about everything i tried. I was getting very frustrated and felt very alone in this big world, like i was better off just dieing and leaving my mess in shambles on the floor for someone else to work out. I had several break downs over the phone with my mother, where i was just in tears fearing i wasn't going to be able to work on things and figuring them all out. Daniel was the other person that heard, saw, and felt my breakdowns that i had frequently. He can tell you just how unpleasant they really were. The week of the wedding i wasn't sure if i would even be able to go to school. Going to school is VITAL for me because i need full time credits to make sure that i can qualify for getting the school insurance. When we got up here we took a moment to look at our finances and see what we had. Still unsure how it was going to work out we pushed forward with our plans. Still i have no idea how we got it all to work but we have so far....

So i will be losing one of the two insurance companies that i currently have, in about two days, so i needed to get all my testing done (that i had avoided since March of this year) so my first two in a half weeks i have missed just about every class i had because the doctor appointments got scheduled and i had no say in when because of the urgency of them all! So Monday i was meeting with a new doc, Tuesday i had testing that ended up kicking me out all day because i reacted negatively to one of the tests i had to do, wednesday i only had one class and work. Thursday i had another meeting with another new doc, and Friday i worked and went to the temple only to cry my eyes out again because of the words on family and future events. That is basically how my week has been for the last three weeks. So now all the testing is done (unless they find something negative) and it's a waiting period to hear what the results of the test are.

Now to add to this craziness... I had this huge fear of leaving California. The fear was leaving and something bad happen to my family. I had mentioned to a few people about this feeling and felt like a crazy person for predicting the future and who it was going to be with. I had mentioned that i could tell something bad was going to happen and i felt it was with my grandparents in particular. I felt strongly that it was going to be my grandfather that was going to be most affected but felt it could be my grandmother as well. So with that said we can now enter into the crazy brain of Brittney once again.

I have been in contact with my mom almost every day since getting up here simply because of wedding gifts getting mailed to the house and discussing the things different docs have mentioned to me in our discussions. Tuesday morning this week i had called my mom to talk about my last appointment that was scheduled for Wednesday. We talked briefly about that and then about the family. I had had lots of worries and thoughts lately that i needed to contact my family members and find out what was going on in each of their lives. Mom and i discussed her and job prospects, sisters and school, and the other activities going on in teenager life. Nothing was said about my grandparents in detail. Later that day when i got out of my last class i was sitting out in the car by a field waiting for Daniel to finish his frisby practice. I noticed that the voice message icon was on my phone. (When im in some of my classes i don't get reception and so when someone calls i don't see any result of it until later and there is an icon for the voice message.) So i listened to the message and luckily it was about the time that Daniel and i were going to leave to go home and make dinner. I got a call from my mom telling me that grandma had been admitted to the hospital and that she had been having problems breathing since sunday when they were at church. The family wasn't getting back to me when i called to get more details. Finally later that night my uncle text me to tell me that my grandmother had had a heart attack. When mom finally did call me back she gave me more details and said that she would have been able to leave the next day but because she couldn't breathe on her way to the bed from the wheelchair, they wanted to keep her over night again. So they did more testing on her to find out the problem and have just continued to find things that are wrong with her. They have come to several partial conclusions of what might be wrong with her. They still at this point don't know what is wrong exactly but we are keeping the phones open for hourly calling tree information. As of right now the thought is that she either has terrible arthritis, infection, or cancer in her hips and spine. She has two blood clots in her lungs, a weak heart muscle, and hard time breathing.

SO now take a breathe and think how blessed you are for health and strength, loved ones around, stability, jobs, homes, money, insurance and other blessings that are luxuries in your life. Life is a precious gift we get to have. We tend to forget that and get all caught up on the small things in life that DON'T mean anything and we focus on their negativity way too much! We need to think everyday of something we are thankful for that isn't an everyday thought. The Lord has blessed us all to be here and to be apart of each others lives as well as to learn and grow from our experiences. The reason this blog is named the new beginning was originally named that because of the new life i was starting in remission and life after high school. As i think of it today and how it applies to all our lives, every day we are starting a new adventure. There are new adventures starting around us all the time and there is nothing that we can really do but embrace it and take the most out of it. We need to find that peace in the matter that life is always changing and that we are here for a purpose. Find your purpose (s) and take off like a bullet with them. Go gangster on it and get it done. Find a new thing for you to push forward with.

I think of moving forward as exciting. I am a movie buff big time and am always running movie lines in my head. One that comes to mind right now is the line in "Meet the Robbinsons" just keep moving forward! Life wont always seem fair, it will most always not make sense to you, and keeps forcing you to progress into whats going on around you and make you open up your eyes and heart.

I have had many thoughts come and linger through out this last month of being married and starting a new phase in my life for several things. Fear, Confusion, Love, Excitement, Compassion, and Comfort. Personal, intimate feelings that only i can understand completely the reasoning for these thoughts and feelings but i'm glad that i get to learn from it and continue to learn.

My thought for you today is "what have you done this week that you now realize is a blessing from God, for your growth and progression for future events in your life?"

I hope you all have a great night and that you can take away feelings and emotions that have been sparked by something i have said.

From the Long's we are sending our love, hope and prayers for you all! Best wishes!

Issue 43 September 29, 2011

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