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AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

End of a semester

This semester is over and i am so glad. i slid by passing one of my classes by a hair. This class was the biggest pain in the butt and this semester has been the hardest one of all. I have gone through all my binders like 7 of them. This picture is just the papers from only four of my seven binders this one semester. The semester is over now and we are planning for a winter of working. I will be doing an online class so that i can start my other classes when we get back on track.
Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la, la la la la. Daniel and i wanted to get all our gift giving done before we went home so we didn't have to take it to and fro. So we put them under our christmas tree and had our own gift giving time. Our first christmas as a married couple. We don't have any ornaments really because i couldn't find my box when i left home. (looking for it when we go home) The bishop for our ward got trees for us, so we got a tree for our little place.
We are leaving on Wednesday for California and i CAN'T wait to leave. I am all packed. Washed two weeks of laundry, cleaned all the dishes, counters, and working on eating all our left over food.

Chives is good and happy. Swimming, basking, eating. She keeps burring the filter after we have put it in or uncovered it. She pushes the rocks up against it and we have to keep moving them every so often.

Work for me is nuts and i am totally frustrated with the crap that is going on there and want to quit, but as of right now my job is all we got coming in and i'm doing what i can to get more hours and more money but it's just difficult. Anyways that is it and there is nothing new from what has been posted. Have fun and enjoy your holidays. Talk to you then!

Issue 51 12-18-11

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