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AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Judgment of classes

Yes i talk too much about my life sometimes, but hey i'm a teenager-adult. I like to share what's going on in my life specially since it's exciting!. I can now give you my thoughts about how i'm going to die this semester. I started my sign language class today and i LOVED IT! The teacher is super nice, patient, fun, and deaf. Communicating with her is slightly difficult just cause of the barrier. But she tries hard and is very patient with us. I will like this class i think!. I get out of her class at 8:30. So i'm with her for two hours.
Then tomorrow is my astronomy class. I have some friends in the class. Only one of them i knew about before class started. The teacher is old and seems very nice as well. He is patient, and helpful. I like the subject and he seems to be making it fun. My neck might hurt in the class from looking at the ceiling all night long but it's still going to be fun. I think that this class is fun cause half of it is online and you get to do a lot of looking at discs of information with lots of pics. I have his class for three hours and get out at 9:30.
Thursday is my health class. She has a monotone voice, is nice, and talks really slow. She likes to give us lots of information that we don't really need. So far in the class i am REALLY bored. Talking about being healthy and eating right and exercising. I have had that for the last two years in the H (H from this point on means the hospital). I had my homework done before we left her room that night. I get out of her class after three hours as well, getting out at 9:30 as well. I think this will be the least fun class that is going to drive me nuts.
So now i have given you my thoughts at the end of this all we will take a look at the journey and judge again and see if my guesses where right.

If you have any questions for me about anything please feel free to ask me and just shoot me up an email. You can subscribe to my blog on the left hand side of the page. If you have questions you want to post on the page to a comment to my entry.

Also i would like some feed back from my readers to certain things so ill try and ask questions every once in a while for you to respond to. If you have ideas for me to express upon as well notify me.

What was your favorite part of school?
What years where your favorite? High school, junior high, elementary, college...
What was your favorite subject in school that you ever took.

Sleep well my readers, I am absolutely exhausted and going to hit the pillow so im not late for work again tomorrow.

Issue 8 8-26-08

1 comment:

SillySlang said...

I liked being in high school marching band, but college was definitely my favorite years, because then I could choose the classes with none of the drama of the earlier years going on around me, and none of the busy work.
Music was (is) my favorite subject.
Usually I prefered math to english, because the grading wasn't subjective.
I also enjoyed Spanish, psychology and poetry.
There are classes I'd like to take now:
taiko drumming
tap or clog dancing
vegetarian cooking
and a couple others.
Get that degree, but learning should be happening your whole life long.