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AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

weekend out!

Sunday as soon as i got out of church Jacob took me home and we left for our trip. We got there to the hostal and alm0st drove off a cliff trying to find the parking lot. We turned around and found the right place. Getting situated we decided to go find a place for dinner. We drove around town and found a Japanese sushi place. Mom usually gets mad at us for being like a dog and licking our plates in the privacy of our own home but mom sat there inhaling her sushi and finally picked the little dish up and spooned all of it in her mouth. It was soo funny to watch her do that and go on eating like a little child. But so when dinner was done we went back to the hostel and got the cards out to play in the main room there. We got so hyper me and my sisters. I was a goof ball of major intensity. Finally we decided to go to bed so that we could get up in time for the tide pools in the morning. We got to the room, mom fell to the bed, while us girls sat there laughing and making a bunch of noise. Mom told us to turn the lights out and be quiet. Once we did that it was dead silent untill like midnight when we became the walking dead, Or talking dead in this case. Mom saw brylee sitting up in her bed and finally went over to ask her why she was sitting up. Brylee then said "what are we doing now moma?" Mom "we're sleeping now bry" bry "oh ok, Thanks" Then she layed back down in her bed. she was asleep) Later on in the night we were all talking in our sleep but brook was the only one that mom could hear and remember. She was talking about sneaking out the window with a boyfriend. Yeah thats moms fear!!! The tide pools where cool. I took lots of pics and we found really cool shells. Then we spent the rest of the day in the beach by the hostel. There where cops there when we got back and they where looking for a missing kiacker. No news of if they found him or not. When we got back home to grandmas for dinner we all took naps we were so tired. I still am tired and like want to sleep now on break, but its over so my story time is as well.

I have class tonight and im excited. Ill talk to you all later!

Issue 10 9-2-08

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