Lord why do i have to feel this agony and pain. Pain from other people's situations and pain from mine being exaggerated by other people?
Lord, why do people have to be so demanding and critical of everything and never be thankful or acknowledge any thanks for the good things that are done for them?
Lord, with all that i have gone through in my life so far, what is in store for me when i get older? Like when most people get sick or have issues in their lives i have had to deal with?
Why did i choose these things in the pre mortal life when i knew i would suffer like i have?
Why can't there be peace among nations all over, so that those fighting can be home with their families and STAY home, safe!?
When will that day come that there will be total peace for everyone and we can live with you again?
Why did we have to lose total memory of everything when we came here? Why couldn't we keep some of that? Like the feeling of talking to you face to face.
Why did you make the sky blue?
How big is space really?
What's it like in heaven? Are all my friends there that have left me behind?
How will the family situation work out up there after we are all gone from earth?
What was the inspiration behind the shape, design, colors, and purpose of some living creatures? ex. insects, bugs, large water animals, and small noisy pets like cats and dogs.
When can i sit in your embrase and physically feel your love encircling me again?
I know i was put here to learn but what where all the things i was meant to learn?
Is there a purpose for my being here other than learning how to grow?
Will my dad be the man who plays my earth father when we are all together in heaven or will i be blessed to have someone else to take that place and truly love me that way?
Is Nanna dancing up there? Is grandpa with me when i ask for him to be? Is Bri playing soccer and cooking to her hearts content? Is Jake flying around making people smile?
Do animals have animal spirits after they die or do they have spirits that humans can talk to and understand?
I heaven like living on clouds?
Why do we have fingers and toes shaped like they are and in the number amount that they are?
What about the people who are mentally disabled and can't talk much to us, are they still in contact with you and able to see you?
Why is it little kids can see those who have passed on shortly after but the adults can't?
Are there ghosts who follow me everywhere i go, living in the same space as me and watching me? Do they talk to me and try telling me things and im just too tuned out i can't hear it?
Am i living a worthy enough life to be happy forever in the celestial kingdom or do i just think that and am really not totally there?
What am i supposed to do for a career for the rest of my life?
Why does it seem like one thing after another? Is it me being punished for something im doing or what? If so, what am i doing so terribly wrong?
When will i die? I would like to know so i can get in all the things i want to get done here on the earth done like sky diving, and being a mom, and seeing grandchildren, and seeing something so majestic that it brings me to tears and/or takes my breath away.
Why does it seem like good/bad things happen to bad people and even worst things happen to good people?
Why does it seem like the most wicked of people last on the earth longer than those who aren't so wicked?
Who is my spirit mom?
Thank you for my friends who are there to help make my days brighter and more easy going and fun. Thank you for the people you have placed in my life to make me laugh and smile. Thank you for people who try so hard to help me be a better me. Thank you for sweet grandparents who spoil and give me plenty of hugs. Thank you for the chance to go to church again and feel spiritually strong everyweek. Thank you for the beauty of the earth and the landscape you left for me to see. Thank you for every chance i get to leave a part of me behind for future generations. Thank you for all the luxuries i get to enjoy like a car, computer, nice comfy warm bed, clothes that are clean, a home, food, job, and the education and strength that i do have. Thank you for the ability to think and act for myself. Thank you for the chances i get to better myself and make things around me better as well. Thank you for the temples to go and do work in and to walk around. I love the peace and comforting feeling i have when i am there. Thank you for this oportunity to talk with you again! Dear Lord i love you and am so glad you know me and i get to learn of you.
Please keep me strong in every way. Please be there holding me when i am in need of comfort and can't find it elsewhere. Dear Lord please comfort those around me who need it as well. Help me to see and notice the things i can do to help. Help me to keep the patience i do have as i continually learn to have more. Please continue to put spiritually strong people in my path that i can learn from. Please let me have friends who can relate to me and who understand me in my situations. Please bless my entire family that we can grow stronger together and have relationships with everyone in the family where we can feel comfortable with each other. Help those who are sick, that they can recover and live a life to help others around them as well. Please keep in touch with me and keep that door open for me to enter in. Please bring me home to you soon, but keep me here as long as i can do good and am needed.I will go and do what you ask of me and i will do my best to be my best. Thank you Lord.
Issue 30 8-12-2010
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