So i admire when men show that soft side they have for nature and creatures.
So you want to see pics of our little place we call home! Well here are some pics of our place. We are waiting for part of our shelving unit to be mailed to us because it was broken. I called them today and they said because they don't have the part it needs to be made and it will take up to a month before they ship it out to us... so untill then we have this huge half built shelving unit on the floor in our living room.
We got an ottoman from Bed Bath & Beyond the other day that we just love. It fits all the blankets we use when we watch movies and it comes with trays on the top that are wood so we can eat on it or play games or what ever we want. It's super nice. We have a washer and dryer in our dinning room in our kitchen. The doors on the right side of the this picture here is where
This is our kitchen. I love that we can put the empty boxes of things up on top. We have to use a stepping stool.... wait... let me rephrase that, I HAVE TO USE IT. Daniel is tall enough he just lifts his arms and can get what ever he wants with out even lifting up on his toes. Further proof i am WAY too short! Thank you everyone for helping us get this place into order and helping us get the things we need to function comfortably.
So with cooking, we have created some more interesting meals. On the white board you see in the picture of our kitchen we have our to do list for the week, grocery list, and our menu for the week. This week we are doing mexican food. We both love spicy food and we have plenty of cookbooks to try new things. There was this one that was grilled veggies with noodles and romano cheese. We did it and added spicey herb grilled chicken. We had a lot of veggies that started going bad and needed to be eaten and i love noodles so we did it
So now for my greatest accomplishment this week! I have been wanting a hair cut for several months now because i just can't handle my hair being long anymore. I get headaches way too easily and it's just more of a hassle than an enjoyment because its just so much work to maintain. As you know i have a tender spot in my heart for dealing with donations that deal with cancer patients and i have a strong connection with this medical world that i was hoping to move on from and forget about. However with my life being so unpredictable and out of the ordinary i should expect to not expect unless it is the worse so i don't get my hopes up and when things work out for the better it's just a pleasant surprise. Anyway, my sister Brylee donates her hair every time she cuts it now because of me being sick. She did it for me the first time and does it now out of habit. I have wanted to do the same thing but haven't had the hair long enough to do it as well as having hair to keep me warm and looking like a normal female. Not that i would really mind being bald, i know i can pull it off and it was really enjoyable being bald because of the ease, i found it comfortable. (I did have times were i missed my hair and would cry because i looked like a freak (in my own demented world) and i felt out of place, but the general idea was positive and all good.) I waited to cut my hair till after the wedding so that i could feel like it was more perfect for pictures and what not. The timing for getting a hair cut couldn't have come at a better time for the sentimental factor. Two weeks ago i got a call from my mom about grandma being in the H and that the docs said it was most likely cancer. The next day, i found out from my last remaining friend from the H that he relapsed and was back in the H. He is only a few months older than me and we have become really really good friends over the years. I feel so helpless being here in Idaho and not able to help them find comfort or even just to play games in their rooms with them. I have been trying to think what i could do and feel like i did something and made a difference. It all clicked. "Cut your hair now, you have money to do it at a beauty school, you have the paper printed of the style you want, just DO IT!" So i did! I LOVE IT!

...... and the.......After!
If i could please have you all put my grandmother, and Luis's name in the nearest temple to you on the prayer roll. I have asked some friends already and know that they have been put in several temples around the country already, but all the help i can get the better chance they have at having happiness, comfort, and have a feeling of contemptness at the very least. They both need to have friends visit them and help keep them upbeat and happy to help them have the strength to fight this terrible disease. All prayers and help would be appreciated from my family as well as all those around them.
So, this is our week other than crazy mundane things that happen in our everyday stuff. Hope all of you are enjoying your week! And until we meet again may God be with you!
Issue 46 10-12-11
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