Work is work, school is school, life is love, and keeping busy is contentment with situations.
Saturday was the best day of the week. Daniel had a game that he went to and i had work. After those we met up at the Library and he had a group meeting while i sat and did my homework. Then we went to the temple together and we decided to do something different than what we normally do and we decided to do seelings. HOW DO I LOVE THEM!?! I was soooo happy being there with him next to me and being able to remember the day we went to get married our selves. I loved it because i felt the love and peace i felt on the day and the excitement level was down so i could concentrate better on it. There was also a couple there next to us who was from the bay area as well and they weren't far from where we were. We got to talk to the other couples and enjoy our time with the seeler who was doing our group. It was such a peaceful day and relaxing. I just loved it all and going to the temple to do what we did was the best part of the entire week! If you haven't gone to the temple and are wondering what i'm talking about, let me see if we can give you an image of this. Think of the most comforting, relaxing place you have gone to or imagined. Now double or even triple that comfort and relaxing feeling. All your worries literally melt away into the non existing world. You are there for the sole purpose of reconnecting yourself to your spiritual side and to help others come closer to God, as yourself also. You feel so light on your feet as you walk into the different areas. You hear only the quiet whispers of the air flowing through the space between you and each wall. If you go with someone you love, you have their warm soft hand holding yours, guiding you and walking next to you. The peace from them is flowing to you and you to them. There is the love connection and the spiritual connection that has you linked to that person. When you look up into their face, it's as if you are looking at them for the first time and being totally captivated by them. You feel like the most important person in the world to this person because they are looking at you with the same feelings you have for them. If you go to the temple with the right intentions there is absolutely no room for contention or any other feeling than love. If you are going by yourself you are not alone and you can feel the same feelings. You feel the guiding hand of the Lord and the comfort and closeness of love and someone being there with you through the spirit. Depending on your level of listening to your heart and paying attention to your intuition adds to your feelings and sensations. If you can't go i highly suggest that you find a way to change what is needed to be changed so that you can go and feel this amazing sensation and love!
I know that the temple is a place where only God can be. I know that i was meant to be a part of the wonderful activities that go on in the temples. I know that the truest feelings of caring for the world exist there. I know there is truth that is found if i only ask for it. I love the temple and am so absolutely blessed for making the choices i did to remain worthy and to be able to get married in the temple myself!
Hope that you all have an amazing week and feel a moment of love and comfort or peace when you need it most. Remember please that you are NEVER alone! Best wishes and Love from the Longs!
Which temples are these?

Issue 48 10-23-11
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