So there is in fact a reason i didn't update last week. I knew that there was events and things happening on Saturday that i wanted to add to the update and from that something else came out of it that was good and i wanted to wait to get that in here as well. So it's now a whole week later and i am JUST NOW getting to the post. So because of that there will still be two posts for this week but one of them will be the actual update. The other is a campaign im going to start working on soon and will be putting information up for you all to see. Enough about that for right now, and onto the update. So last week was uneventful... well other than me falling and being in great pain! Thursday when i was leaving my last class of the day i fell because i stepped to early going up cement stairs from class, and i landed right on my knees! Came straight home to ice it. Daniel and i had been planning on going to the haunted mill out here, which is an old pancake mill that hasn't been used for years other than this haunted season. We had the last night to get cheap tickets and didn't want to pass it up because Daniel really wanted to give me something that i normally do for this season. So i wrapped the knee, bundled up, and we went on an adventure through the haunted mill. I had Daniel in front of me so that i didn't trip again and in hopes that he would block the scary people from jumping out at me. I didn't really think about it till afterwards, but they don't jump out at the first person because they like to scare as many as possible from the back. GREAT! So these creepy looking creatures that i wanted to have nowhere near me, kept creeping closer and closer to me and would reach out and grab my arm or touch my face. I almost punched one of the dumb creatures because he was coming right for me and i saw him doing it. I knew what he was going to do, but he touched me and it really creeped me out so i jumped, screamed a bit, and nearly punched him in the face! There was also a lot of stairs and crawling around and so when we got out i was warn out. We came home and had hot choco, did some homework and went to bed. Friday i was in bed most the day not really wanting to do anything but sleep. My friend came over from class and we played video games for an hour or so. Then Saturday came! I didn't go to work because i wanted one day to sleep in with Daniel. When we finally did get up, he left to take a test and i started decorating myself. 1pm came around and i was totally ready to get going to the party that wasn't until 730 that night.

So i decided to be a ZOMBIE WIFE! The hottest one around. I had my heels on and my knee brace with sexy grey make up. Stephanie and Justin called like 20 mins before we left for the party and asked if they could come over for a game night. We told them to come crash our ward party as well. So they did. We ended up leaving the party early so i could come home and ice my leg but not before this couple came up to us and asked us if we needed a couch. He comes up to us and was like " so do you guys need a couch? I noticed the other day when i was there that you had nothing really, and we have two, so you can come check it out and take one for free". We were like sure! Who could turn down a free couch? lol Then after he left to tell his wife that we So all week we have been trying to meet up with our new friends to get the couch and it's been hard because of our schedules but tonight we ran over there right as they were leaving for ward temple night and we picked up a couch. So now we are grown ups and we have a fully furnished apartment. We have another couch waiting for us that we will have to pay a tiny amount for, but its seven in a half feet long. I figure it's great because of all the people we have over and then we can have several couples sitting on couches and we can now do movie nights as well as all the other activities we do. I counted that we could very comfortably fit 14 people in our place with each of them having a place to sit that isn't on the ground, and we don't have to have people bring chairs over anymore. This weekend we are having temple night Friday, and then Saturday we are planning a game night for about 13 people and we have invited about 18 or 20. So yeah weekends are great around our place!!!! Then next week Daniel has a game on Friday night and i don't really like the idea of sitting out in the cold watching him while i freeze in the wind, while snow is falling, SO, i have planned a girls night with all of my girl friends up here and we will have fun. Anyway that is our last two weeks and ill be posting soon. Hope you are all doing well. Love you and best wishes.
issue 49 11-2-2011
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