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AnneStone is a lady of many talents. She crafts, sews, hikes, plays and so much more. AnneStone loves life and loves taking the most out of every situation. Get to know her now.

Friday, December 5, 2008

So MUCH!!!!

So i know that the last time i wrote was a month ago. I am so entirely sorry for that. I have been so busy with things in my life lately that i haven't really been home much with free time to do this. I will give you a quick shot with everything and give as much detail as my mind will allow for right now.

So what has happened since last time i wrote even? I lost my job and went looking for a new one. I had one promising one and i called back on it and still haven't heard anything. I have more job news later. Then on the 14th? I think that was the day.... anyway i went on a plane with my two sisters to LA with, to meet up with my dad and grandma for the TWILIGHT RED CARPET PREMIERE. We weren't actually going to that though till the 17. The trip for me was not all that exciting. My favorite part was going to my cousins birthday party, the day at the beach and going through the flee market, and the red carpet. Though the red carpet was not my most fun part of the whole trip. My favorite part was the beach. We went to VENICE beach and just walked up and down the boardwalk. Grandma and dad hated it with all the strange (to them who are not used to ragae or "black people" music as grandma would put it) music. They didn't recognize all the "SMELLS" as well. Me and Brook know them from school and the pot/weed that gets passed around all the time. There where performers that my sisters and i wanted to watch but got pulled away from cause my racist family members didn't want us near them. I had fun looking at all the shops and me being the shopaholic (as my friends say) i did a SMALL amount of shopping. The red carpet itself was not all i dreamt it would be but it was. I thought it kinda would have been more glamourus than it really was. I got to be in the V.I.P. section because i was in the show. When the stars showed up the crowd got pushy and so did security. If you don't push back you don't get your chance. I was lucky and saw some of the people from set that i worked with and called them over. They took pictures with me and signed stuff for me. The girl who was standing next to me tried to reap benefits from my chances and they all turned her down cause i was on set and i was a speacial person to them. I didn't get pictures with everyone that i wanted to and i am still trying to work on some things like an autograph from some, but in my free time, which i have none of at the moment. We got shuffled into the "non celebrity" theather while the celebs got put into the other one across the street from us. We were in the Bruins and they where in the FOX. The movie started and screaming of course... I was slightly disappointed in the speed that the movie took and that they didn't take enought time to emphasise the main points and emotional aspects of some vary important relationships. I basically knew and had seen the whole movie from different clips that had leaked out onto the web before hand so nothing really was new or surprising to me that much. I will tell you that you should go see it cause i am, repeat, I AM IN THE MOVIE!. I am in the last two minutes of it on the top right hand corner. If you know where to look then you will see me and recognize me.

When i got home from the trip (that was a MAJOR high light of the trip, coming home to see mom) we got an article in the paper about twilight from grandma. We went to the station to see if we could get a hard copy and talked to a lady there who sent us to a reporter and then when they found out i was in the movie they interviewed me. The next day they called to meet us at the house to take some pictures. So we did it all and enjoyed it! They said that it would appear in the paper that next day (thursday the 20) I was planning on going to the midnight showing with grandma, grandpa, mom, sisters, cousin, and her friend. The paper put it up that day to help promote the movies opening at midnight that night. I thought the article was going to be a small little thing on the inside and thursday morning when i woke up i had like 8 texts, 3 calls, and 6 emails telling me that i was on the front page with a huge picture and that there was more on the inside as well. As the day went on i received more and more of each. I was so excited. So that night we went to the movie and i saw friends there as well. I enjoyed the movie the second time the best out of all the timeS i have seen it. Friday morning came and i got more and more messages. That night Jake wanted to see it so he came and took me out for a special celebrity dinner. That makes it 3 times in one week all on opening day and week before. Also friday morning i woke up with more messages telling me that i was on the news. They had more pictures of me on set and different things. I got online to check emails and there was one on myspace from the newscaster who did the story. She had written me at 4 AM. to tell me she was going to mention me in the news. She didn't ask to take pictures from my sight that i had up but she did it anyway. She also wanted me to be interviewed so i called her and agreed for them to come. Later that day they came and did it all in like 5 mins. As soon as i came in from that mom told me that "Make A Wish" had called and got mad at us for talking to the press about my wish. That is not normal for them to do that and usually they encourage advertisement. We still don't know why but we can't talk to the media anymore about my wish, and that upsets me because one of my happiest moments in my life so far and i can't share it? That is totally not fair!!!!!!!!!

Anyway onto other things So lets see now we are in december, Oh wait Thanksgiving was great. It was the first one with out football. My grandpa sat and played a game with us all day instead and it was really fun to spend time with him like that! I really really enjoyed that! Now to december so we went shopping on black friday and i spent 200$ on movies and i got over 30. Some are for the holidays though as gifts. But still i was happy and proud of myself. Tuesday the 2nd mom called me and told me that there was a job open for me at mervyn's and i took it. The pay is 15 an hour and i am helping to get all the samples from HQ ready to sell. IT'S A MESS! AND A HEADACHE AS WELL AS A BODY ACHE!!!!!! Don't leave a man to do a womans job unless he knows darn well what he is doing! That's all im going to say about that right now. But so im stressing cause i get up at 5:30 to take Brook to seminary come straight home and TRY to get some sleep (hard to do with thumper upstairs trying to break through the flooring) then at 8:30 i get up and go to work. I would like to go to work earlier but the boss wont let me! We are being slave driven and only get one break other than lunch. I am taking my laptop with me to try and get work done for school but it doesnt work. By the time i get to it i have to go right back to work on the clothes.... When i get off at 5:30 i run straight home, LITERALLY inhale my food and run out the door at 6 to get to school by 6:30. Most the time i am late with that whole process. After school and by the time i am home its 10. I need to check emails and do what ever homework i can. So i end up going to bed at like 11 maybe 12, just to get up and do it all again the next day.! I am stressing big time because the next two weeks are FINALS! (scream with frustrations) I not only have the tests but homework, and lots of extra credit i need to do and actual studying for the first time really this whole semester. This all needs to be done by Tuesday of next week. I am busy working weekends as well cause the sale starts on sunday! SO you know what that means NO FREE TIME. So if i am running around like my head cut off and angry or even mean for the next week, I am sorry! It's honestly not you! But anyway i have spent a half hour on this because it's something that was nagging at me and i needed to do. Now it's all writen out i can forget it all and focus better on other things.

Sleep well and talk to you later!
issue 19 12-5/6-08